About FOI
Since its founding in 2013, more than two thousand investigative professionals, security and protective services providers, members of law enforcement and specialists in allied professions have joined the Fraternal Order of Investigations. Today FOI has members in fourteen countries.
Excerpts from the “Founding Announcement” of the Fraternal Order of Investigators:
“…The Fraternal Order of Investigators (FOI) is a professional association of public and private investigative, security and law enforcement professionals and members of allied professions…
FOI is focused on education, active training and networking for members of our constituent professions…
FOI is strictly non-competitive and affiliates with all legitimate and like-minded associations. Unity among public and private investigative and security professionals is a primary goal of FOI…
In accordance with our organizational philosophy there is no charge for membership in the Fraternal Order of Investigators…
FOI considers ongoing training, education and credentialing to be essential components of what is now the final transition of Investigations from a “job” to a profession. It is part of FOI’s core mission to facilitate credentialing for investigative professionals, whether through the Board Certified Investigative Professional (BCIP) credential program or by influencing FOI members to attain other highly regarded credentials such as the CFE, CPP, PSP, PCI and CFCS…”.
Beginning with FOI’s December 2023 event in Texas, FOI has set a goal of 500 newly credentialed members.